Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Science - Natural Disasters

Science - Natural Disasters

1. Date in your books

2. # Natural Disasters

3. Click on the link below and explore the this site individually.

While you are exploring you might be thinking about questions you might like to know more about. Add all of these questions in the next column on your sheet titled: 'What I want to know'.

Leave the last column empty.

National Geographic

I am looking forward to hearing about all you your questions!

Mrs Lyons

Friday, January 31, 2020

Welcome to Year 6

I am looking forward to learning and casting many stones with you this year.
Mrs Lyons 

Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday 25 November 2019


End of Year Reflection:

You will be given a sheet tomorrow to complete about your Year 6 experience. Here are two of the six questions you will asked. Think about your year, have a discussion with your family.

  • There will be questions like, "What will you miss about your school the most" and why?
  • Which has been your favourite year at school and why?

Maths - Connecting Volume and Capacity

Write a definition for Volume.

Write a definition for Capacity. 

Watch: Relating Capacity to Volume

How are these two measurements connected?

What did you learn?

Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday 22 - Sunday 24 November


Thank you for another great week of learning.

1. Reading

2. Maths - Revision number facts

Complete sheet. We will mark together on Monday.

3. Business and Economics - Consumer Influence

Read the case study.
Highlight or underline the key information.
Summerise the paragraph using brief notes in the margin.

Complete the question on the sheet. :)

I will see you on Monday for another week of learning - busy times ahead.

Mrs Lyons

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday 20 November


1. Reading

2. Health - Relationships

You are to explain what a relationship is and who we have relationships with (family member, teachers, people from community groups).

1. Make a list of qualities that are important in positive relationships.

2. Think about a range of factors that can lead to changes in relationships such as developmental growth, new interests, family changes, new school. What strategies they used to cope with the changing relationship? Discuss this with your family.

 3. The scenario describes a change in a relationship. For this scenario, you need to identify what aspect of the relationship has changed, how that change is impacting on each of the characters and what strategies the characters could use to manage the changes.

Scenario: Khalia has just moved to a new suburb and started at a new school. She doesn’t know anyone at the school and she is feeling lonely. At lunchtimes she has no one to sit with or play with as all of the kids in her class have their own groups that they hang out with. Khalia’s teacher has noticed she is sitting by herself and she has asked a couple of girls in Khalia’s class to play with her.

3. Maths - Decimal system to the metric system

You are to use a tape measure and measure 5 items in your house. Record your answer using
 m, cm and mm.

1. Dining table is 1.57m, 157cm and 1570mm.





Business and Economics 

Complete the sheet - due on Thursday
Ensure you highlight key information and summerise notes in the margin.

See you tomorrow

Mrs Lyons

Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday 18 November


I hope you enjoyed the weekend off homework -I trust that you were still reading ;)


1. Reading

2. Maths:

Maths conversions - Length

Continue with the sheet handed out in class today.

Complete below IF you haven't finished.

3. Geography

Complete the published copy of Asian Landforms

4. English

Fantasy image

Good luck to all the students attending the Assisi orientation day.
Remember your friend challenge - to make at least one new friend because I will be asking about them when you return back to school. Have a wonderful time and just be yourself . . . AMAZING!

Mrs Lyons