Saturday, February 9, 2019


Dear Year 6 Parents

This year our class will be working on a class blog which allows me to extend and share our learning outside the classroom via the internet. A blog is like an online newsletter where I can publish a variety of content including written work, discussions, photos and videos. This has proved very popular with both students and parents in the past.

A blog serves two purposes. The first is as a communication tool between the classroom and the home. A blog allows me to regularly post content including what we have been learning in class, photos of events and activities, games, links and resources. You may also find notices and homework that is sent home online. We encourage you to check this regularly to keep up to date with what we are doing in class.

Secondly, a blog is a learning tool for the students. Students can use a blog to create, communicate, collaborate and connect. They can write stories and publish them online. They can work with students and contribute to tasks from home. They can reflect on their learning to help build more knowledge.

By using a blog students are taught about online responsibility, appropriate behaviour and the importance of maintaining anonymity and privacy online. This moderated environment provides a perfect opportunity for students to learn and experience how to work safely online, and is important as students begin to be exposed to other online technologies at home.

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. I can’t wait to continue working with this technology!

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