Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday 17 May 2019

Learning Intention

Students will be ale to describe the causes and effects of change in society. They will be able to compare the experiences of different people in the past.

You have already chosen a significant figure from the past and have chosen whether you will Federate or not to Federate.

You have written your persuasive speech in class this week from the viewpoint of your chosen figure.

This weekend you are to prepare and present your Federation speech to the class next Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday morning.

Things to consider when speaking in public:

  • Eye contact - always have eye contact with the audience
  • Enthusiasm - be enthusiastic of the topic during the presentation
  • Preparedness and organisation - during the presentation
  • Speaks clearly - speak clearly and ensure the audience can understand you
  • Knowledge of content - Show that you have full understanding of the topic you are presenting
Have a great time talking to yourself in the mirror. 

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