Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 June Homework


Solid - Liquid - Gas

Complete the template to show your knowledge and understanding of the states of matter.


Explanation box: 

You are to fill in the table to identify the state of matter your materials and objects are usually found in. Explain your decision using your scientific understanding of solids, liquids and gases.

Gas - expands freely in the jar (relate back to the object)

Solid - firm, stable and solid. Not liquid or solid. (relate back to the object)

Liquid - a substance that flows freely taking up volume in a space (relate back to the object)


Three Levels of Government

Using three interlocking circles to complete the three levels of government responsibilities.

Three Levels Of Government

# Reading and comprehension

Read 20 min.

Use the 'summarising strategy' to identify the main points in the book you are reading.

Good luck to our Zone Athletics Team tomorrow - I will see you bright and early at school 7:15am

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