Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tuesday 18 June


$1.00 Hot chocolates

# Spelling

Look at these homophones then say them aloud.
Write the meaning for the following homophones:

- groan - grown

-hanger - hangar

- hoarse - horse

- him - hymn

# Reading 20 mins

Use the Questioning Strategy to help your comprehension of the text you are reading.

Think about these questions during and after reading.

I wonder what, why, where, how, if, when?
Do I already know something about this?

# Maths - Watch the following clip to support your learning

Multiplying decimals to 10, 100, 1000

Complete the following multiplication decimals.  (MR DL)


10 x 0.06=

100 x 0.06=

1000 x 0.06=

10 x 0.45=

100 x 0.45=

1000 x 0.45=

10 x 0.034=

100 x 0.034=

1000 x 0.034=

#English (optional)

Watch and enjoy 'The Arrival' by Shaun Tan - https://vimeo.com/74292820

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