Saturday, August 31, 2019

Homework Weekend

Maths: Gold Coast Show

#Timetables - program-maps

Click on the following link to answe the following questions.

1. On Friday what time the first event start? What is the event?

2. What days can people visit the Primary Schools Scarecrow display? What is the time this can viewed? How many hours is this display open over the three days?

3. What time can the families look forward tot he fireworks and how long do they last for?

4. What times can families watch the pig racing on Sunday?

5. On the main stage I want to watch the these three acts on Saturday: Dance HQ, DYNAMITE Studios and Georgia Knight. How long will I be there watching them for?

Science: What is electricity?
#Physical Science

What is electricity?

View the above link and summarise the key ideas.

#Media campaign

1. Continue to develop your media campaign

There has been a new due date for the campaign DUE THURSDAY 5 SEPTEMBER.


The missing image

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