Friday, May 24, 2019

Homework 25 and 26 May


Respond the following scenario:

I attend a Boy Scouts every week where we get to participate in all kinds of activities. Last month, we practised cooking food with minimal supplies as if we were camping. My friend, Imran, didn’t attend at all that month which was very unusual. When I asked him why, Imran told me it was because it was Ramadan, and he couldn’t eat anything between sunrise and sunset.

Question 1

Do you think it is fair that Imran had to miss out on attending Scouts for that month?
Explain your thoughts.

Ramadan only lasts for one month. How could the Scout coordinator ensure he was being inclusive to all members?

What are the benefits to the Scout group of having members from different cultures?


Complete Maths sheet attached in parent email. 

Copy the angles in your homework books


20mins each night :)

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