Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday 5 May

Homework: Inquiry Learning

Science - We are learning to understand how different materials are mixed together, a number of things may happen.

Experiment time: :)

Liquid - Liquid Mix

Experiment 1:

Liquids that do not mix are called immiscible.

Mix olive oil and water to observe this reaction.

Why do you think this happens?

Experiment 2:

Liquids that do mix well are called miscible.

Mix water and fruit juice/cordial to observe the reaction.

Why do you think this happened?

Liquid - Solid Mix

Experiment 1:

Some solids dissolve. It is soluble in the liquid.

Mix vinegar and baking soda to observe the chemical reaction?

Can the two mixtures be separated back to its original state? Why or Why not?

2. Practice your Federation speech

3. Complete the Maths angles sheet

Homework due tomorrow.  :)

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