Saturday, August 24, 2019

Friday - Sunday 23 August to 25 August


1. Reading and using the TWO comprehension strategies:
- Summarise and
- Synthesise.

These two strategies alllow you to to see the big picture as you read. It allows you to have a complete understanding of the book you are reading. This allows you to combine information with what already know and build meaning as you go.

After each reading (20mins) you are to take notes of main ideas (there might be 2 or 4 ideas) then combine these ideas together into your own words.

Complete this in your homework book.

2. Religion - Journal Writing

 Write descriptive and reflective journal entry detailing your personal experiences as you serve others through the works of mercy.

(Learning Saint, Creation Saint, Prayer Saint, Justice Saint, Peacemaker)

3. Maths - Explore and play the Fraction Games in the Learning Links Tab

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