Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday 26 August


#Health continued...
# Campaign

Part 2. Draw a picture of your role model.

You must consider and justify your choices.

Label your character with as much detail as possible about the following choices:
-       Appearance (Why does the character look they way they do?
-       Think about clothes, hair etc),
-       Act (How does your character act?),
-       Speak (how does your character speak? What do they say?)

#   #Physical Science 
       Complete KWL chart (know, what they want to know, learnt) in your books: – 
      What do we know about electricity? 
      What do we want to find out about electricity? 
       What have we learnt about electricity?

      We will need these ideas for class tomorrow :)

      Hope you had a wonderful day and I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. 
     REMINDER: Father Day stall tomorrow. Gifts are up to $10.

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